1 year old

Quince is now officially a toddler, walking and teeth and almost talking. So far he says: hi, bye, mama and dada(sometimes). Also understands a bunch others which he can’t actually pronounce still, including shaking his head for yes or no. When he wants to he can give the best hug/snuggle. He’ll dance to just about anything.

For this birthday, we decided to host an open house. We invited just about everyone we know to stop by and say hello. A lot of people visited throughout the day and Quince got a bunch of new gifts. I have to admit, so far his favorite has been a box he got some clothes in. I’m sure that is no surprise for anyone with kids or cats. 😀 Who have also enjoyed the extra boxes and packing materials around the living room. Thanks again to everyone who stopped by!

I also got his scrapbook almost finished for the occasion, and am quite happy with how it turned out. Now I just need to keep it up for the next 18 years right? 😉

Every morning we go and have coffee still. There’s now a high chair for him and he loves being able to sit at the table on his own. He also loves the Sweet Potato and Oatmeal muffin Dave bakes. If we sit near the door, he tends to greet almost everyone coming or going with either hi, a wave, smiling and sometimes all of the above. He gets all sorts of compliments on how cute and/or how well behaved he is. I can’t take much credit, Quince just has a good nature and happy.

If the competition for “favorite auntie” was ever around, it was settled long ago. Zia(Auntie) Laura is hands down the winner. When we go to coffee, he will call for her and gets so excited when she gives him her attention. It’s quite cute. He has, many times, gotten upset when she’s neglected to say hello or give him a hug.

Many of you are probably wondering how he is doing medically. Richard and I get asked that often and each time we are happy to say that he is doing wonderfully. After all the scare following his birth, coming home on two medications and just waiting/watching his development it is a huge relief to not have troubles of any kind. As of today, he is in fact slightly ahead for his age. We do still see some slack with his left side when he’s tired, although he uses his left to eat most of the time.