Staying on your toes

Summer greetings! Many might be wondering where my posts have been recently. Truth be told, with Quince walking and trying his best to talk, it doesn’t leave a lot of sit down and update time. Generally when I reach for my laptop, so does he. While he knows he’s not suppose to touch it(most of the time does very well) he can be a bit enthusiastic and hard to keep away. It doesn’t allow me to really do much beyond glance at email or read whatever is at the top of my facebook feed. If you also find yourself wondering why I haven’t taken many photos of Quince, that couldn’t less accurate. I take photos quite often, and lately they are just as quickly deleted as I took them. I have learned the hard way that photographing an active toddler isn’t easy. Anymore these days, I’m thrilled to get at least one out of five that isn’t blurry.

As of mid-June, we started summer break for both our music class and school. I’m thrilled to say that Quince enjoys both. He’s doing very well with the Infant and Toddler program. Thanks to their help and general monitoring over the course of this last year. Quince loves his music class, and knows many of the songs as well as the hand motions that go with them. One of his favorites is the opening “Hello Song”, he’s quite fond of the raspberry at the end.

Our cats have also been allowing him to pet them on occasion. Tassel is usually easier, as she loves to lay around and although she tries to blend in with her surroundings chameleon style, reality is that she can’t do that and he heads straight for her. We are very proud to say he’s good at petting them. Sometimes, he gets really excited and gets more heavy handed. What can you say, he’s only a year old. Thus far he thinks dogs are cool, until he is standing next to one. Once they are right next to him, he’s suddenly shy and doesn’t want to say hello. There has never been a negative dog experience so far, and I’m happy about that.

As of right now, our summer is pretty open! Last year it was filled with doctor appointments, a trip to Whistler and Seachelt. The annual Legualt/Greenway 4th party is quite early this year(as in the end of this month early). Also on that day is a walk/run, in honor of my friend’s passed daughter Freya, that Quince and I will be doing before heading to the party. If you would like more information on that walk, please see the main page of my site for a link. After that weekend we are fairly free until I do the Relay for Life in Aug(shameless plug-to donate, also see the main page of my site). To train for the relay I have made a goal to walk at least 2 miles 3 times a week. It’s going pretty well. After much encouragement from Cas, I have taken up jogging on Wii Fit! So I just do the “short” distance, but having Quince there to wave back at the miis who run past me is amazingly motivational. It’s super cute how excited he gets. My friend Carina has asked me to do a training program with her, I believe she called it couch to 5k. Basically, at the end you’ll be able to run a 5k. I’m strongly considering it. Not that I want to run and honestly, I’d rather go back to do gymnastics but as there’s nothing for an adult around here jogging will have to do.

Starting next week, I’ll be babysitting my nephew Aaron twice a week for the rest of the summer. It’s a great chance for both of them to hang out with another baby/toddler. At least so far when another come over Quince doesn’t show too much jealousy when I hold or talk to them, we’ll see how it goes when there is no other mom around. We have yet to run into that yet.